Josh Hughes

Posts Tagged ‘language’

Thinking [Language] – Hey y’all.

In Professional on April 26, 2011 at 8:15 am

y’all  (yôl)

pron.Chiefly Southern U.S.

Variant of you-all. See Regional Note at you-all.

Personally if you ask me, sounds A LOT BETTER than youse guys. Y’all is a contraction. Just like: can’t, won’t, shouldn’t. Being raised in the Southeast and now living in California, I find the usage of y’all interesting.

First, allow me to point out that the majority of the people I know from the Southeast here in California do not maintain a southern accent. However, I say y’all. Another girl I know says y’all. We do not disclose our geographic origins by the way we speak otherwise.

My friend used y’all at work in Silicon Valley. She was told “Do you want to know why I am not going to do business with your company? Because their account manager uses y’all.” Outrageous.

I could understand his thought on the matter if it were in a formal document or email, but in conversation? Get over it. Accept the exchange and development enabled by diverse people, regionally and international, or don’t work with others. Crawl into a hole and work under a rock- the world is become a smaller place as information and people travel faster.

Diversity should be valued. Ignorance is worthless.